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Sorry! Finding Our Purpose in Life: A Step-by-Step Method by J. Travers Hartnett (Audio Books - M4A Downloadable) is sold out.

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Finding Our Purpose in Life: A Step-by-Step Method by J. Travers Hartnett (Audio Books - M4A Downloadable)

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  • Delivery via E-mail
    No Physical Dispatch
  • Disclaimer : Online Delivery via E-mail. No Physical Dispatch. Non-Cancellable Product
  • Author: J. Travers Hartnett
  • Language: English
  • Type: Unabridge
  • Length: 3.19 Hrs.
  • Mode of Delivery: You will receive access details via e-mail within 24 hours. NO physical dispatch.
  • SUPC: SDL509709747


At the center of your being you have the an wer; you know who you are and you know what you want. - Lao Tzu&nb p;
&nb p;
Under tanding your life purpo e and pur uing it i more valuable than wealth, fame, power, and ocial tatu . Our core meaning and purpo e erve to clarify our mo t important goal and prioritie . They amplify our motivation and upport u in all time , both good and bad. A a re ult, we become more confident, effective, independent, tolerant, inqui itive, and mo t of all content. We al o make better deci ion . When we do the thing we were born to do, we automatically become force of our nature. Un toppable. &nb p;

Many of u pend our entire live earching for knowledge and under tanding in the wrong place . We cannot hope to find our true elve , anywhere out ide of our own elve . While the world ha many thoughtful advi or , and librarie are filled with the collective wi dom of the age , our e ential purpo e in life can only be di covered deep in ide of u . We mu t di cover our own purpo e in life, by our elve .&nb p;

Finding Our Purpo e in Life pre ent a erie of practical le on and exerci e , that, will unlock the ecret purpo e of your life. You get to work on your own, in a private place of your choo ing, at your own pace. By completing thi challenging but imple program, you will find the an wer to your mo t important que tion . The e include:

What i the purpo e and meaning of my life?&nb p;
How do I uncover my life que t?
How do I make better deci ion ?
Why do I ometime feel vaguely un ati fied?
How can I become more aware of my core hidden knowledge?
Why do I ometime want thing that I know are bad for me?&nb p;
How can I better manage my unwanted negative feeling ?&nb p;
Why am I in tinctively intolerant of certain people?&nb p;
I there a connection between the unrelated event of my life?
What i topping me from doing what I want to do?

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