The gap between rich and poor ha never been wider legi lative talemate paralyze the country.corporation re i t federal regulation pectacular merger produce giant companie ..the influence of money in politic deepen . . . bomb explode in crowded treet . mall war proliferate far from our hore . a dizzying array of invention peed the pace of daily life. The e unnervingly familiar headline erve a the backdrop for Dori Kearn Goodwin highly anticipated The Bully Pulpit a dynamic hi tory of the fir t decade of the Progre ive era, that tumultuou time when the nation wa coming un eamed and reform wa in the air. The tory i told through the inten e friend hip of Theodore Roo evelt and William Howard Taft a clo e relation hip that trengthen both men before it rupture in 1912, when they engage in a brutal fight for the pre idential nomination that divide their wive , their children, and their clo e t friend , while crippling the progre ive wing of the Republican Party, cau ing Democrat Woodrow Wil on to be elected, and changing the country hi tory. The Bully Pulpit i al o the tory of the muckraking pre , which arou e the pirit of reform that help Roo evelt pu h the government to hed it lai ez-faire attitude toward robber baron , corrupt politician , and corporate exploiter of our natural re ource . The muckraker are portrayed through the greate t group of journali t ever a embled at one magazine Ida Tarbell, Ray Stannard Baker, Lincoln Steffen , and William Allen White teamed under the mercurial geniu of publi her S. S. McClure. Goodwin narrative i founded upon a wealth of primary material . The corre pondence of more than four hundred letter between Roo evelt and Taft begin in their early thirtie and end only month before Roo evelt death. Edith Roo evelt and Nellie Taft kept diarie . The muckraker wrote hundred of letter to one another, kept journal , and wrote their memoir . The letter of Captain Archie Butt, who erved a a per onal aide to both Roo evelt and Taft, provide an intimate view of both men. The Bully Pulpit, like Goodwin brilliant chronicle of the Civil War and World War II, exqui itely demon trate her di tinctive ability to combine cholarly rigor with acce ibility. It i a major work of hi tory an examination of leader hip in a rare moment of activi m and reform that brought the country clo er to it founding ideal .
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