Based on their nutritional value grains are classified as positive, neutral, or negative in nature. Millets constitute Positive or Neutral grains.
With their miracle effect on well-being, these SUPER FIVE MILLETS are known as 'SiriDhanya' millets or Miracles Millets.
BROWNTOP MILLET PURIFIES BLOOD: Browntop Millet helps in purifying the blood and helps to get rid of kidney problems.
BROWNTOP MILLET HELP DIABETIC MANAGEMENT: Barnyard millet intake is found to reduce fasting blood sugar level & promotes significant increase in serum insulin , benefiting diabetic patients.
BROWNTOP MILLET HELPS SOLVE BODY PROBLEMS : It helps in solving problems of stomach, arthritis, BP, thyroid, eye problems and obesity.
FOXTAIL MILLET PURIFIES BLOOD : Foxtail Millet helps in purifying the blood and helps to get rid of kidney problems.
FOXTAIL HELP DIABETIC MANAGEMENT : Foxtail millet intake is found to reduce fasting blood sugar level and promotes significant increase in serum insulin level, beneficial for diabetic patients
DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER : We ship freshly manufactured , traditionally stone grounded Atta making sure that all the essential nutrients remain intact.
100% ORGANIC : We use Organic whole grain to manufacture the best quality Atta