Apple seeds should be planted in November, if possible. They can also be planted up to the end of March This is when the soil is most fertile. The apple seeds should be planted firmly, with the soil pressed down hard around the roots. The apple trees should then be tied to a strong enough stake, for support until the roots take hold. Mulch should be applied around the base of the apple trees, to help retain moisture during the first growing period. Apple tree seeds can start germinating in any seasons, indoor or outdoor when temperature is above 10 °C, It is very easy to grow, and treatment of stratification is advisable if u cannot maintain the temperature . Sowing instructions: 1. You can germinate the seeds in sterile soil in a paper cup, keeping it watered and covered with plastic to maintain moisture. 2. You also can germinate the seeds within paper towels. Moisten 3 paper towels and place them one on top of the other. Fold them in half, and then fold them in half again. Put the seeds in the middle and fold again several times to get maximum coverage and thickness. 3. Keep the paper towels moist continuously. You can put them on a plate that allows you to keep an additional amount of moisture in it. You also can cover the towels with wrap or a plastic bag. 4. Keep the towels out of the sunlight but in a warm spot. However, don't place them next to a radiator, or they will dry out quickly. 5. Transplant the seed to a paper cup filled with potting soil once you see a small root and leaves beginning to emerge. Make certain that the leaves are just below the soil. 6. Put the plant in the sunlight. It will take time for the plant to outgrow the cup. Meanwhile, look for a container twice that size for transplanting. Do not over water. If you are using a plastic cup instead of paper, punch a few small holes in the bottom for drainage.