Applied Numerical Methods With Matlab For Engineers And Scientists is filled with practical exercises and case studies that aim to help students grasp numerical problem solving techniques easily.
Summary Of The Book
Applied Numerical Methods With Matlab For Engineers And Scientists, published in 2010, is in its second edition. Packed with practical descriptions and straightforward explanations, this guide aims to teach its readers about engineering applications.
The primary computing environment utilized by the author is MATLAB. This is because MATLAB has built-in numerical capabilities with useful programming features. Each chapter contains functions of MATLAB that have been explained for the benefit of the readers. Applied Numerical Methods With Matlab For Engineers And Scientists thoroughly covers important concepts through the use of problems and applications. The book is divided into six parts containing chapters on various topics. The section titled Roots And Optimization covers bracketing and open methods, whereas Curve Fitting includes chapters like Polynomial Interpolation, and Linear Regression.
The section titled Modeling, Computers, And Error Analysis introduces readers to the Fundamentals of MATLAB, and shows how to roundoff errors. Topics like Gauss Elimination, Iterative Methods, and LU Factorization fall under Linear Systems. The fifth and sixth parts of the book are titled Integration And Differentiation and Ordinary Differential Equations. There are a total of six chapters in these two sections. Some of these are Adaptive Methods and Stiff Systems, Numerical Differentiation, Boundary-Value Problems, and Numerical Integration Formulas.
The book also contains three appendices that cover MATLAB M-File Functions, MATLAB Built-in Functions, and Eigenvalues.
Applied Numerical Methods With Matlab For Engineers And Scientists uses an informal style of writing to convey the concepts clearly. It has nearly 450 practice problems and 160 solved examples. Case studies in the book are very detailed, complex, and interesting.
About Steven C. Chapra
Steven C. Chapra is an American author and professor. He has written Numerical Methods For Engineers, Introduction To VBA for Excel, and Surface Water-Quality Modeling.
Chapra did his Bachelor’s and Master’s from Manhattan College. Later, he completed his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. The author has taught at the University of Colorado, as well as the Texas A&M University. He has also worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. He currently holds the Louis Berger Chair in Computing and Engineering, and teaches in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, at Tufts University. His research interests are a combination of computing, mathematics, and surface water-quality modeling. Chapra is the recipient of the Chandler-Misener Award, the Meriam/Wiley Distinguished Author Award, and the Rudolph Hering Medal. He has also won awards for being an outstanding teacher. The author enjoys hiking, and fishing.