Get started on the road to your dream life? You are not alone in your journey. This book will help you not only get off the starting line but reach your destination. You want more from your life. You can visualize the life you dream about but may not know how to get there. This book was designed to be a road map to help you make the changes you have dreamed about and make those changes stick. Life is too short to wait for happiness. These 9 simple steps will help you take action and claim the life you truly deserve.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kimanzi Constable lays out this plan with an easy to read style that combines specific advice with anecdotes from his own experience. Kimanzi shares with you his method, his experience, and his advice in an entertaining yet practical guide. The method he describes can be applied effectively to your specific dream. Kimanzi has used this same plan to become a successful international speaker, life coach, and author. Kimanzi shares his message of hope and teaches people how to use the Internet and social media to create a profitable and thriving business.