Brinjal, also famously known as the Eggplant and Aubergine world-over has other names, particularly, in South Asian regions. Known as Baingan and Bataun in the Indian and Pakistani vernaculars, Brinjals are a much loved vegetable cooked in a variety of styles. Actually a fruit of the Nightshades plant, aubergines belong to the same family as tomatoes, potatoes and bell peppers. With a deep purple and shiny exterior, eggplants give you a super dose of essentials like, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, folate, potassium, manganese, copper, and dietary fibre. Rich in antioxidants such nasunin, consuming brinjals can help you in getting rid of free radicals and excess iron deposits. It is also especially beneficial for people with cardiovascular diseases. So go ahead and have your black beauty brinjal any which way you like. Be it roasted, grilled, baked, steamed or some other recipe with secret ingredients that you find most palatable. Experiment and find ways to include this vegetable in your diet for nutrient rich meals. Soil should be mixed with well rotten Cow dung. Sow seeds in rows at distance of 1.5 feet between row to row and 1.0 feet between plant to plant. Water it immediately and then water as per requirement. Harvest after 80-90 days.