This Product Cleans, Shine and Protects Your Cars Original Painted Surface, Vinyl, Plastic, Leather Wooden Furniture and Rubber From The Effects of Sun UV Rays, Heat, Oxidation In ONE EASY STEP. This Product Prevents Drying, Discoloring, Hardening, Cracking And Weathering Of The Original Beading, Bumpers, Vinyl, Leather Upholstery and Side Walls Of Tyres. This Shines Beautifes and Restores the Natural Color of Your Vehicle This Contains Anti-Static Agents Which Reduces Dust Pick Up. Dashboard Shiner Is the Essential Product That Should Be Present in Any Car Care kit, But CABIUS Quick Detailer (Dashboard shiner)Can Provide Shine and Protection To Interior With a Simple Shake And Spray technique. by CABIUS Quick Detailer, You no longer need to rub the dashboard for House to get shine just spray and wipe, it s that simple now