Book Description:Management in the changing society has
become important to all because of its universal application, and therefore, Contemporary Issues on Management provides basics on the effectiveness of work-life of individuals and groups who
work at different situations in competitive
world environment. “Analysis of Time” in
Chapter 1, and “Total Quality Management” (TQM) in Chapter 2 furnish a clear picture with the fundamental understanding about the applications of time in workplace with that of qualitative perspectives in regard to work-performances for organisational effectiveness. Effective time analyses has made it possible for reducing human stress. Time-wasters and time-savers are explained in a simple and lucid manner for clarity of thought, which help in coping with mild-stressors. Increasing pressures of work-load at organisational levels make people feel stress-and-strain mentally and emotionally, besides physical monotony and depressed mental conditions. These are, inter alia, some of the causes for conflict while managing activities and people by deploying resources in organizations. It has been observed that, the causes of conflict though many others than mentioned here, the qualitative nature of work has got to be assimilated with quantitative volume of work performances for individual satisfaction along with organisational goal-attainment. This is brought in an equilibrium phase by balanced logical analysis of Stress and TQM concepts and postulates. Keeping this purpose in mind, “Management of Stress” is discussed briefly in Chapter 3 for an understanding of human conflicts in bringing organisational effectiveness, and therefore, this chapter makes it possible for individuals and groups to adjust with malady of conflicting situations. Further, the repercussions and cause-effect relationships of such inherent problems
are attentively observed. Chapter 4 has been devoted to analytical descriptions of “Conflict Management”.
At the end, an indepth analysis, on the basic concepts of ‘Organisational Change’ patterns and coping with required level of changes, has been made with the empirical research findings and situational analysis. “Change Management and Organisational Development” is explained at length in Chapter 5 so as throw light on conceptualising the methods and techniques of managerial effectiveness, and to suggest therefrom, how to develop organisations. This Chapter discusses all about ‘Change Management’ and ‘Organisational Development’ reflecting the possibilities of effective utilization of time that increases quality of work and decreases human stress and conflicts of any kind at organisational as well as individual levels.
The book describes in a celebrated and sparkling manner by furnishing views on the basic principles of management with ‘Relativity Approach’, the basic concepts and problems for strengthening the pillars and foundations of organisational development in scientific manner.
It is hoped that the book will be useful for students and teachers of management. It will also be useful for candidates appearing in competitive examinations.
About the Author:Dr. Samar Deb, at present a senior lecturer, has been teaching management since 1994 in the Department of Commerce, Gurucharan College, Silchar (Assam). During his long career, he came in touch with various resource persons and scientists in inter-disciplinary subjects, while attending many conferences, seminars, refresher and orientation courses, and gained vast experience on organisational patterns and activities, which has enabled him to write this book on a difficult subject. Dr. Deb has been contributing research articles on management in research journals and national newspapers.