Pure and Natural: - Cutto Rosemary Essential Oil is extracted from high-quality rosemary plants, ensuring it is pure, natural, and free from additives or artificial substances.
Hair: Take 5 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil and mix it with 1-2 tbsps. of carrier oils, massage your whole scalp and keep it to rest for at least 45 mints or overnight for the best results.
Skin: Rosemary Essential Oil can be added to a natural carrier oil and applied to skin areas with gentle rubbing. (i.e: one drop in a teaspoon). It's a great moisturizer for the skin.
Natural Air Freshener: - Diffuse Cutto Rosemary Essential Oil to purify the air and create a pleasant atmosphere in your home, office, or any living space.
Uses: It can be used in DIY shampoos, conditioners, creams lotions, etc.