Black smoke billowing from the city’s marble minarets and temple domes.\n\nShrieks of human suffering muffled under the dragon-flames of heavy cannon.\n\nThis is the seventh burning of Delhi. And none shall the inferno spare.\n\nAs a raging sea of Company legions sweeps across the Mughal capital, wrath of the dreaded God, Nikhaal-bhagvaan, descends inescapably upon the freedom army.\n\nAn unhinged Laal-Pret, Theo Metcalfe, nurtures his own sinister design. As a dark dervish unleashes the terrifying spell of Tip’s crypts, a self-styled Christian crusader plans the unthinkable. Stench of the last Timurid’s third wish poisons every soul.\n\nAll that stands between the plundering garrisons and a savage genocide – is Mastaan.\n\nA dervish, a warlord, a shaayar, a falcon, a courtesan, a purohit, and a djinn. This is the final chapter of the haunting tale of 1857, Delhi.\n\nA darkened heart, and deafened ears…\na covenant with the Djinn;\nPrice of prices lo! he shall pay,\nlamenting a two-yard coffin…