Money, as we all understand is an important aspect of living a
successful life. But when it comes to managing money effectively,
other things take precedence over it. While we would all like to have
more money in our lives, managing money is strangely given little
importance in terms of priority. We spend so much of our time
pursuing the money we make and so little of our time in retaining and
multiplying it.
Your finances require time, attention and nurturing to grow in
abundance so as to provide for you in the golden years. Your present
time investment decisions can bring you financial security when you
need it most.
Without resorting to complex jargon and figures which leave you
confused, this book simplifies the way you look at money and
investments. It challenges your existing understanding and behavior
towards money. It will guide you to set your financial goals and shoe
you ways and means to achieve them.
This book gives you all the knowhow you need to be able to take
complete responsibility of your hard earned money.