Kairfoll Femme Specifique Shampoo regulates DHT levels and promotes hair growth. This shampoo is infused with Procapil and Follicusan DP, known to be effective in preventing hair loss in women post partum, and menopause due to fluctuation in hormones, nourishes the scalp, and aids natural hair growth. Our Kairfoll Femme Specifique Shampoo stands out for several key reasons. One, it is specifically formulated to address the unique challenges faced by women dealing with postpartum and menopause-related hair loss and thinning. Many other hair fall shampoos offer a one-size-fits-all solution, but Kairfoll Femme Specifique understands that the causes and needs of hair loss in women during these life stages are distinct. What truly sets Kairfoll Femme Specifique apart is its cutting-edge HDS technology. HDS, or Hair Delivery System Technology, goes beyond the surface-level cleansing and nourishing commonly found in other shampoos. It works deep within the scalp to stimulate hair follicles, promoting healthier and more robust hair growth. This technology is a game-changer for women struggling with hair loss, as it offers a more effective and targeted approach to regaining hair density.