Store Seeds in Clean and Dry place when not in use , Follow the procedure mentioned in the images for selecting healthy seeds. Note : seeds sown in early spring time is best from March to April, the good reminder bud seed demand or drilling in the trench, covered with seeds 1.5 ~ 2cm thick sandy loam, lightly compacted, so that the seed and the soil in close contact, in order to facilitate germination. Every 2 to 3 days with a fine eye watering water to keep the soil loose and moist seed layer, the seed will sprout quickly. Instructions : 1) store the seeds in cool and dry place until you are ready to sow them . 2) prepare the following before u sow :A container that can hold the seeds and warm water , Note : water should be warm not boiling . 3) place the collected seeds in warm water , at this stage it dosen't matter whether they are float or sink. Wait for 24-48 hours and and discard the seeds which float on the water as they are useless and dead . 4) you may replace the water and wait for another 24 hours . 5) Collect the seeds and sow them by digging a hole an inch deep and covering them with soil