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Sorry! GIZGA (USA) 30W Yellow Pin Laptop Power Adapter/Charger for Acer Mini 19V 1.58A is sold out.

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GIZGA (USA) 30W Yellow Pin Laptop Power Adapter/Charger for Acer Mini 19V 1.58A

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  • Power Consumption : 30 W
  • Warranty : 1 Year Warranty
  • SUPC: SDL028165573


Compatible Part Numbers: 25.lp20q.003, Adp-30jh B, Adp-30mh Bc, Ap.03001.002, Hp-a0301r3, Lc.adt00.006, Pa-1300-04, Pa-1650-02., Compatible Laptop Models: Acer: S200hl,a110l Weiss,d150-1577,aoa150-1983,aoa150-1622, A110x Black Edition, D150-1587, Aoa150-1049, Aoa150-1690, Aspire One 10.1", A150-1006, D150-1606, Aoa150-1672, Aoa150-1555, Aspire One 8.9", A150-1049, D150-1647, Aoa110-1995, Aoa150-1635, Aspire One A0a110-1722 Series, A150-1126, D150-1860, Aoa110-1834, Aoa150-1798, Aspire One A110l Series, A150-1249, D150-1920, Aoa110-1588, Aoa150-1570, Aspire One A150l Series, A150-1382, D150-1b, Aoa110-1137, Aoa150-1777, Aoa150-1679, Aspire One A150x Series, A150-1447, D150-1bk, Aoa150-1141, Aoa150-1649, Aspire One Aoa110-1295 Series, A150-1493, D150-1br, Aoa150-1483, Aoa150-1035, Aspire One Aoa110-1626 Series, A150-1532, A150-bw1, Aoa150-1068, Aoa150-1029, Aspire One Aoa150-1006 Series,, A150-1570, A150l Blau, Aoa150-1485, Aoa150-1172, Aspire One Zg5, A150-1672, A150l Weiss, Aoa150-1359, Aoa150-1504, A110-1295, A150-1890, A150x Blau, Aoa150-1553, Aoa110-1662, A110-1545, A150-1983, A150x Weiss, Aoa150-1505, Aoa150-1382, A110-1691, A150-ab, Aod150-1739, Aoa150-1784, Aoa110-1831, A110-1698, A150-ac, Aod150-1462, Aoa150-1329, Aoa110-1295, A110-1722, A150-aw, Aod150-1322, Aoa150-1316, Aoa110-1041, A110-1812, A150-bb, Aod150-1860, Aoa150-1348, Aoa110-1626, Aspire One D150, A110-1831, A150-bb1, Aod150-1669, Aoa150-1444, Aspire One D250, A110-1948, A150-bc, Aod150-1165, Aoa150-1987, Aspire One 531h, A110-1955, A150-bgb, Aod150-1577, Aoa150-1405, Aspire One 751h, A110-ab, A150-bgc, Aod150-1920, Aoa150-1435, Aspire One Za3, A110-ac, A150-bgw, Aod150-1186, Aoa150-1905, A110-agb, A150-bk, Aod150-1125, Aoa150-1083, A110-agc, A150-bk1, Aod150-1647, Aoa150-1400, A110-aw, A150-bw, Aod150-1606, Aoa150-1786, A110-bb, D150-1044, Aod150-1240, Aoa150-1178, A110-bc, D150-1125, Aod150-1044, Aoa150-1949, A110-bgb, D150-1165, Aod150-1197, Aoa150-1742, A110-bgw, D150-1197, Aod150-1587, Aoa150-1864, S200hql Lcd Monitor Screen, A110-bw, D150-1322, Aoa150-1126, Aoa150-1706, S191hql, A110l Blau, D150-1462, Aoa150-1447, Aoa150-1887, Acer Aspire One 8.9" (all) Mini Laptop Series: Aspire One A150l,aspire One A150x, Aspire One Aoa110-1283, Aspire One Aoa110-1295, Aspire One Aoa110-1722, Aspire One Aoa110-1982, Aspire One Aoa150-ab, Aspire One Aoa150-1001, Aspire One Aoa150-1126, Aspire One Aoa150-1140, Aspire One Aoa150-1405, Aspire One Aoa150-1435, Aspire One Aoa150-1570, Aspire One Aoa150-1649, Aspire One Aoa150-1672, Aspire One Aoa150-1777, Aspire One Aoa150-1840, Aspire One Zg5(linux),, Aspire One A110-ab, Aspire One A110-1295, Aspire One A110x, Aspire One A110l, Aspire One A150-aw, Aspire One A150-bb, Aspire One A150-bb1, Aspire One A150-1006, Aspire One A150-1049, Aspire One A150-1126, Aspire One A150-1249, Aspire One A150-1447, Aspire One A150-1890, Aspire One: Netbook Zg5, Netbook Zg8, Netbook 751h, Netbook Kav60, A110-ab, A110x, A110l

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