• Organic fertilizer derived from castor bean oil extraction residue
• Rich in essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
• Contains organic matter to improve soil structure and water retention
• Promotes microbial activity in the soil
• Contains natural compounds with properties to control and diseases
• Suitable for a wide range of plants including vegetables, fruits, flowers, and ornamental plants
• Eco-friendly and sustainable option for organic farming and gardening practices Eco-friendly and sustainable option for organic farming and gardening practices Eco-friendly and sustainable option for organic farming and gardening practices
• Cake Pellets For Plants 1 kg, Neem For Plants, Organic Fertilizer For Plants Home Garden (Neem cake Pellets -1 kg)
Neem Cake for Plants | Natural Organic Neem Fertilizer | Slow Release Pellets & Chunks | Neem Plant Food + Pest Repellent & Fertilizer
• Neem Fertilizer Pack. Contains chunks and pellets. Neem and Neem Cake Powder for plants is a pure an organic fertilizer and pest repellent. Neem Kernel Powder in this form is ideal for home gardening purposes.
• Produced during the extraction of oil from the seed of the Indian Neem tree. Also known as Neem or Neem Cake Granules. Can be turned to powder form.
• Can be mixed into soil or potting mediums or used as a top dressing and is suitable for all garden plants. Add with Vermicompost at 5 kg Neem / Neem Powder with 25 kg – 100 kg Vermicompost depending on plant variety. For home gardens – use not more than one tablespoon on 12-15 inch planters. Use less at first. Increase quantity after initial plant experience and result. 50 to 100 grams with 900 to 950 grams of vermicompost is an ideal mixing ratio to start with.
• Excellent soil conditioner which improves soil fertility, helps strengthen root systems, improves plant immunity and balance nutrient levels in the soil. Neem contains natural NPK and other micro nutrients that are needed for better growth of plants and better yield of fruits and vegetables. Useful in controlling certain pests.
• Organic ingredients help provide an effective and environmentally friendly approach to plant care, crop fertilization and soil management. We urge you to do your bit and support organic growing and consumption for better and healthy future generations.
• Neem cakes are used as a soil amendment as they are bio-degradable and can be used with any other organic fertilizers.It is chemical free organic fertilizer which is safe for crop use.
• Neem cakes are one of the most cost-effective organic fertilizers as they release slowly in the soil and lasts longer.
• Neem cake contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous and other micro, and macronutrients so that the plants are fed continuously.also reduces alkalinity in the soil, as it produces organic acid on decomposition and helps in improving soil texture, water holding capacity and soil aeration for better root development of the crops and plants.
• It gives better yield than any other conventional fertilizer as they lack the uniformity of the nutrients release that inhibits the constant growth of crops and plants.
• The bitter principles of the soil and cake have been reported to have seven types of activities (a) antifeedant (b) attractant (c) repellent (d) insecticide (e) nematicide (f) growth disruptor (g) antimicrobial.
Neem Cake Powder Organic Fertilizer and Pest Repellent for Plants and Soil - Ideal for Home and Terrace Gardens
• Nutrients: Neem cake is mainly made by crushing neem leaves, bark, and fruits. It is the best source of micro-nutrients that support the growth of plants.
• RESISTANCE: Neem cake reduces the number of soil insect pests, fungi, bacteria, and nematodes and also protects the crop from damage caused by these organisms
• Neem cake is used for both cash and food crops, such as sugarcane and vegetables
• Uses: Apply it on the potted plants, take about 100 grams of Neem cake and sprinkle on the topsoil and stir with a stick along with the topsoil for uniform distribution. Use Neem cake once a month in the garden.
Neem Cake Powder Organic Fertilizer 1Kg - Organic Neem & Pest Repellent For Plants For Home & Garden, Pest Repellent, Rich In Nutrients Soil Conditioner For Plants (
1kg Neem Pellets