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Sorry! Hanuman Impex 3W Solar Emergency Light - Pack of 1 is sold out.

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Hanuman Impex 3W Solar Emergency Light - Pack of 1

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Rs  330
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  • Hanuman Impex
  • Power (in Watts):3W
  • Type:Solar Emergency Light
  • In the box:1- Rechargable solar bulb set
  • Handling & Care Instructions:FRAGILE
  • Warranty:Not Available
  • Warranty Terms:NO WARRANTY
  • SUPC: SDL319002771

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Common or Generic Name of the commodity Solar Lights
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rechargable bulb rechargable bulbs for home rechargable bulbs for home 12w rechargable bulb led for home rechargable bulbs for home 9w rechargeable bulb for home combo rechargeable bulb for home 20 watt rechargeable bulb led for home rechargeable bulb light rechargeable bulb low price solar rechargable bulb solar rechargeable bulb solar rechargeable bulb for home emergency bulb emergency bulb led rechargeable emergency bulb rechargeable emergency bulb for home rechargeable led emergency bulb emergency bulb 12 watt emergency bulb emergency bulb 15 bulb emergency bulb lights rechargeable emergency bulb led rechargeable 12w emergency bulb led rechargeable combo pack emergency bulb led rechargeable 18 watts emergency bulb rechargeable combo pack emergency bulb rechargeable for home inverter bilb inverter bulb for home 12 watt inverter bulb for home inverter bulb for home combo

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The images represent actual product though color of the image and product may slightly differ.

For warranty-related claims, please contact the brand service centre.

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