Synopsis The Story of Durjoy Dutta's "Hold My Hand" revolves around Deep, a tongue-tied young man who is obsessed with libraries and books. He gets his dream come true when he is sent to Hong Kong on an internship programme. Leaving behind jealous but encouraging friends, a supportive father and a hysterical, overprotective mother, Deep makes his first flight to a foreign land. There he meets Ahana who is a strikingly beautiful girl. The story takes a turn when deep also has to come to terms with the reality that Ahana is blind. Deep holds Ahana's hand to explore Hong Kong, together, where Ahana is the one to guide them to witness the wonderful city. Deep through his words brings to life for her the pleasant sights he witnesses. A surprising end comes forth when Aveek, enters the picture, who is Ahana's ex-boyfriend. Hold My Hand is a pleasant, youthful romance with a astonishing ending.
About the Author Durjoy Datta is an Indian novelist, screenwriter and entrepreneur. This
young writer is a co-founder of the Grapevine India Publishing house. Also, known as Deb and Sidharth Oberoi, Durjoy Datta is one of the highest selling Indian Authors in Fiction.