"The present book on Forestry is specially published for the aspirants of IFS-Main Exam conducted by UPSC. The book comprises, along with the Latest Study Material, Previous Years’ Solved Papers to make you well-conversant with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked and their answers. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided by Subject-Experts for the Selected Questions for Better Understanding.
The main aim of the book is to present the vast subject of Forestry in a concise and reader-friendly manner so as to make you grasp the subject quickly and easily and to practise numerous questions on its various concepts and topics thoroughly.
The book is based on the Latest Pattern of exam, and will prove very useful for study, practice and during the precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in Previous Years’ Papers and Exhaustive Exercises in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
While the specialised study and practice material of this book is aimed to professionally guide you for the exam, your own intelligence and practice in Harmony with this will Ensure you a definite Success in your endeavour and a prestgious career with Indian Forest Service." Contents- Previous Years Papers (Solved) 2021 to 2014; PAPER-I: Section-A: Silviculture, Silviculture Systems, Silviculture-Mangrove & Cold Desert, Silviculture of Trees; Section-B: Agro forestry, social forestry, joint forestry Management & Tribology, Forest Soil, Soil Conservation & Watershed Management, Environmental Conservation & Biodiversity, Tree Improvement and Seed Technology. PAPER-II: Section-A: Forest Management and Management Systems, Forest Working Plan & Forest Mensuration & Remote Sensing, Surveying and Forest Engineering; Section-B: Forest Ecology and Ethnobotany, Forest Resources and Utilization, Forest Protection & Wildlife Biology, Forest Economics & Legislation."