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Sorry! ONLINE DELIVERY VIA EMAIL - Jharkhand Board Class 12 Physics Hindi Medium Bhautiki Video Lecture (Video Pack) by Avdhan is sold out.

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ONLINE DELIVERY VIA EMAIL - Jharkhand Board Class 12 Physics Hindi Medium Bhautiki Video Lecture (Video Pack) by Avdhan

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  • Delivery via E-mail
    No Physical Dispatch
  • Class:12
  • Board:Jharkhand
  • Subject:Physics
  • Language:Hindi
  • Format:Online Study Material
  • Duration:12 Months
  • SUPC: SDL673181404


9) Jharkhand Board Class 12 Bhautiki Video Lecture (Video Pack)

Product Description:
1. Real Teacher Teaching Hindi Medium Video Lecture covering 12 different products.
a. In lectures we cover
b. Concept
c. Avdhan Pattern of Remembering Science
d. Object Demonstration
e. Experiments
f. Exercises
g. Scientific Learning Videos
h. Textbook Questions
i. Problem Solution
j. Concept Graph
k. Smart Learning
l. Avdhan Graphs
m. Recap Summary

2. Total 108 Hours of content with extensive coverage of class 12 physics in Hindi medium.
3. Class 12 Bhautiki Chapters included - Electric Charges And Fields, Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges And Magnetism, Magnetism And Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Ray Optics And Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter, Atoms, Nuclei, Semi conductor Electronics Materials, Devices And Simple Circuits, Communication Systems.
4. These are scientific learning video lectures based on Avdhan learning science. Concept map and Avdhan graph helps in retention of the subject. Thus providing One Stop Education Solution for the student.
5. Watch when you want. Stop, rewind and replay at your pace.
6. Multiple Views Allowed = No of VideosX3.
7. Your Teacher with You Always!! Anywhere -Anytime.
8. Watch Sample:

Why should you enroll?
1. Launched for the first time Hindi medium course specifically designed for Jharkhand State Board Syllabus. 1st education portal to launch E Learning content in Hindi Medium in the world.
2. Topic-wise coverage of Jharkhand Board Class 12 Physics in Hindi Medium - Bhautiki.
3. Avdhan-UnivExcellence E learning content is internationally ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
4. Interactive and easy to understand.
5. Covers experiments, question answers, numerical and explanation of all concepts sequentially.
6. No need of tuitions, study at home, saves time and money.
7. Prepares you for Jharkhand State Education Board Examinations.
8. Remember everything-forget nothing with Avdhan Learning Science.
9. Students from more than 40 countries are accessing the E Learning content.
10. Content certified, developed & approved by experts across the world from IIT, IIMs, ISB and other institutions of international repute.
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