"Based on the popular tale of Hansel and Gretel, this simplified story with sturdy, integrated illustrative board book is perfect for parents and toddlers to explore the magic of reading and learning together.
Sawan presents enchanted kids board fairy tales - The Elves and The Shoemaker. This fabulous story is indeed a cute and moral read for your children. Once there lived a poor shoemaker. At night some elves came through the window and made shoes for him. He then sold them at a high price and soon become rich. He and his wife decided to repay the Elves for their kind help. What do you think how they will repay the Elves for such great help?
Sawan presents Snow White kids board story. Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen, the classic tale of friendship, love, and bravery, is beautifully retold with lavish illustrations by master artist Bagram Ibatoulline. Best friends Kai and Gerda would do anything for each other. When Kai starts to behave cruelly and disappears, Gerda sets out on an epic quest to save Kai from the evil Snow Queen. But can Gerda break the Snow Queen's enchantment and complete the final task?