LIFEGUARD FPSV MODEL PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST: ELECTRIC SHOCK (Human Safety), SHORT CIRCUIT UP TO 10KA, Un-wanted OVER VOLTAGE or HIGH VOLTAGE SPIKES, TWO PHASING PROTECTION TO INSTRUMENTS, GROUND FAULTS, OVER LOAD PROTECTION, EARTH LEAKAGE, POWER WASTAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features of product: Degree of Protection=IP 20, Safety Functions ON Indications, Time Interval Siren With Timer Up to 5 Minutes, Tripping LED Indication, Multiple Leakage Sensitivity as 5mA,10mA,25mA,50mA,100mA, Emergency Safety Functions By-Pass Facility, Built In 100A Copper Conductive Connector Block, Corrosion Proof FR Grade PBT Material Cabinet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One can not think the world without electricity In today's era. It is essential all the times. But like road accidents, electricity also is a big cause of accidents. Many a times we read in newspapers about lose of life due to electrical shock or terrible fire took place due to short circuit or damage to electrical appliances like Fridge, TV, washing machine, computer etc. due to huge power fluctuation and so on. But to prevent such incidents, we now have a solution – LIFEGUARD (RCCB + MCB), available in different models as per required applications. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIFEGUARD is technically known as Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) or residual current circuit breaker (RCCB). In the box provides product manual containing details of Electrical wiring, maintenance, fault finding as well as use of the product in correct manner. This booklet is provided with each Life Guard product for brief guidance regarding how to do wiring using given wiring diagram, method of product use, do's and don'ts, as well as general faults and their rectification.