According to religious texts It is the finest energy purifier of atmosphere.Using loban dhoop fumes is a traditional and spiritual secret in India to uplift the energy level. It has been used for centuries by saints and kings. Benzoin is often used in religious ceremonies, and is considered to have a great influence on cleansing and unblocking the human body energy centers /meridians.It is antiseptic, and is wonderful for cleansing, whether you wish to clear a room or simply for cleansing your aura. It is said that benzoin helps bring inspiration and creativity. Burn Loban Sambrani and spread its smoke in every corner of the house. 100% PURE NATURAL & ORIGINAL. LOBAN / LOBHAN / LUBAN / STYRAX BENZOIN / DHUNA / SAMBRANI / KUNDAR / MAKUND / CHILAKA DUPA / KUNDURUVU / LUBAN / SABRANI / LOBAANA / OOD / SHABIRANI / SHRILOBAN / लोबान. VINARGHYA Pharma OFFERS QUALITY PRODUCT SINCE MORE THAN 50 YEARS, DON'T COMPARE WITH LOW PRICE. VINARGHYA Pharma having knowledge to know the original product so u can faith blindly for original Quality.