To make it easy to understand, conditioner is something that conditions or moisturizes hair. In general, conditioners are made up of ingredients like oils, emollients, etc that replenish the moisture of hair.
Maxisoft Herbal Hair Conditioner provides deep conditioning and repair. It controls extreme dryness of hair and reverses the harsh damage that has already been done to the hair by extensive use of harsh chemical based products. The rich emollient oils present in Maxisoft Herbal Hair Conditioner penetrate through the cuticles, thus strengthening the protein-based composite inside hair shaft. Also, these ingredients adhere to your hair surface and fill the missing gaps of the depleted protein in your hair cuticle. Ideal for dry, damged & frizzy hair, Maxisoft Herbal Hair Conditioner softens hair while adding elasticity to it.
Apart from deep conditioning, other natural ingredients present in Maxisoft Herbal Hair Conditioner soothe your scalp from inflammation as well as microbial infections along with stimulating hair growth. Maxisoft Herbal Hair Conditioner is your best defense against damage caused by several factors like heat, environment, UV radiations, etc. Regular use of Maxisoft Herbal Hair Conditioner will promote healthy and lustrous hair growth within the hair follicles and transform your hair to be gorgeously straighter, more manageable and easier to style.