Octavius Classic Green coffee beans, is used to prepare a green coffee drink, and has a history of promoting weight loss as it helps improve metabolism. It is loaded with antioxidants, caffeic acids and the powerful antioxidant called chlorogenic acid that provide numerous health benefits including blood sugar and blood pressure control.This coffee has a fresh and grass-like aroma and taste. It is green in colour and has no bitterness if brewed properly. Recommended preparation method - Soak 25g of green coffee beans overnight in 300ml water, Bring the beans and water to a boil, then turn the heat down and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for 1 hour, then pour through a sieve and remove the beans. Dilute with water if needed. Add sugar/jaggery/honey as per your liking. The remaining extract can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. Octavius established its coffee division in the year 1986 and is a proud owner of the finest coffee plantations in Coorg district in Karnataka. The Speciality Coffee division of Octavius Plantations, brings together many years of experience and skills in creating excellent coffee blends and fine coffees and the commitment to provide a wide selection of the highest quality products for all coffee lovers.