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Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) Video Training DVD

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  • Disclaimer:Normal Physical Delivery of Product
  • Stream:Oracle
  • Certification:No
  • Language:English
  • Format:DVD
  • Type:Physical Shipping
  • Duration:16 Hours For queries and concerns drop an email to
  • SUPC: SDL451371251


Duration : 18 hours Skill Level :Beginner to Intermediate Table of Contents Module 1: Before You Begin Lesson 1: Why would I take the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer Exam Lesson 2: The path to certification Lesson 3: Preparation strategies Lesson 4: Test Taking Strategies 4.1: How to take exam questions 4.2: Prepare for exam questions, confidence, and other resources Module 2: Java Basics Lesson 1: Define the scope of variables 1.1: The meaning of scope, blocks, and curly braces 1.2: Special cases of scope Lesson 2: Define the structure of a Java class 2.1: Java class files: Contents and naming rules 2.2: Java classes: The class, member variables, methods and constructors Lesson 3: Create executable Java applications with a main method; run a Java program from the command line; including console output 3.1: Create executable Java applications with a main method 3.2: Running Java from the command line 3.3: Managing the classpath 3.4: Working with console output Lesson 4: Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code 4.1: About packages and their purpose 4.2: Statement order, wildcard imports, importing sub-packages, and handling duplicate class names Lesson 5: Compare and contrast the features and components of Java such as: platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, etc. 5.1: Understanding Java’s execution model 5.2: Understanding the value of threading and garbage collection 5.3: Understanding the value of object orientation and encapsulation Module 3: Working with Java Data Types Lesson 1: Declare and initialize variables (including casting of primitive data types) 1.1: Using the general form of simple declarations 1.2: Using the general form of initialized declarations 1.3: Understanding integer primitive types, literal forms 1.4: Understanding floating point primitive types, literal forms 1.5: Understanding logical and character primitive types, literal forms 1.6: Casting primitive types Lesson 2: Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variables 2.1: Using the == operator with primitives and references 2.2: Understanding method argument passing Lesson 3: Know how to read or write to object fields 3.1: Selecting a field from a reference expression 3.2: Using "this" to access fields 3.3: Code examples Lesson 4: Explain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, "dereference by reassignment" and garbage collection) 4.1: Understanding allocation and referencing 4.2: Collecting garbage Lesson 5: Develop code that uses wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and Integer 5.1: Understanding and identifying wrapper objects, understanding autoboxing 5.2: Investigating the API of Integer Module 4: Using Operators and Decision Constructs Lesson 1: Use Java operators; including parentheses to override operator precedence 1.1: Using operators, operands, and expressions 1.2: Using arithmetic operators + - * / % 1.3: Using the plus operator with Strings 1.4: Promoting operands 1.5: Using increment and decrement operators 1.6: Using shift operators 1.7: Using comparison operators 1.8: Using logical operators 1.9: Using short-circuit operators 1.10: Using assignment operators 1.11: Understanding assignment compatibility 1.12: Understanding other elements of expressions 1.13: Using parentheses and operator precedence Lesson 2: Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals () 2.1: Understanding the meaning of == and the intended meaning of equals () 2.2: Determining if equals() is implemented, and implementing equals() Lesson 3: Create if and if/else and ternary constructs 3.1: Understanding the basic form of if and if/else 3.2: Using braces with if/else. Effect of "else if" 3.3: Understanding the if / else if / else structure 3.4: Using the ternary operator Lesson 4: Use a switch statement 4.1: Using the general form of switch, case, break, and default 4.2: Code examples for the general form of switch 4.3: Understanding break 4.4: Identifying switchable types Module 5: Creating and Using Arrays Lesson 1: Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array 1.1: Understanding simple array declarations, and variables of array type 1.2: Instantiating an array, array length 1.3: Initializing arrays by iteration, array indexes 1.4: Using a combined declaration and initialization of arrays 1.5: Using immediate array creation not in a declaration 1.6: Initializing arrays by copying Lesson 2: Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional array 2.1: Declaring multi-dimensional arrays 2.2: Using immediate initialization of multi-dimensional arrays 2.3: Using iterative initialization of multi-dimensional arrays 2.4: Code examples for multi-dimensional arrays Module 6: Using Loop Constructs Lesson 1: Create and use while loops 1.1: Creating and using while loops 1.2: Code examples of the while loop Lesson 2: Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop 2.1: Understanding the simple use of the for loop 2.2: Understanding the initialization section of the for loop 2.3: Understanding the test section of the for loop 2.4: Understanding the increment section of the for loop 2.5: Omitting sections of a for loop 2.6: Code examples for basic for loops 2.7: Understanding the simple use of the enhanced for loop 2.8: Identifying the valid targets of the enhanced for loop 2.9: Using the enhanced for loop with generic collections 2.10: Code examples for enhanced for loops Lesson 3: Create and use do/while loops 3.1: Creating and using do/while loops Lesson 4: Compare loop constructs 4.1: Comparing while and do while loops 4.2: Comparing while and simple for loops 4.3: Comparing while and enhanced for loops working on Iterables 4.4: Comparing while and enhanced for loops working on arrays Lesson 5: Use break and continue 5.1: Using break from a single loop 5.2: Using continue in a single loop 5.3: Using a labeled break from multiple loops 5.4: Using a labeled continue from multiple loops Module 7: Working with Methods and Encapsulation Lesson 1: Create methods with arguments and return values including overloaded methods 1.1: Creating Methods 1.2: Code example for simple methods 1.3: Understanding basic syntax of overloaded methods 1.4: Understanding rules and guidance for using overloaded methods 1.5: Code example for overloaded methods 1.6: Investigating variable length argument lists Lesson 2: Apply the static keyword to methods and fields 2.1: Comparing class fields and object fields 2.2: Using static on methods 2.3: Code example Lesson 3: Create and overload constructors; including impact on default constructors 3.1: Creating and overloading constructors 3.2: Differentiating between default and user defined constructors Lesson 4: Apply access modifiers 4.1: Using the access modifiers public and private 4.2: Using default access and the protected modifier Lesson 5: Apply encapsulation principles to a class 5.1: Designing for encapsulation 5.2: Implementing encapsulation Lesson 6: Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that change the values 6.1: Changing values through method local variables 6.2: Changing the value of method local variables 6.3: Code example Module 8: Working with Inheritance Lesson 1: Describe inheritance and its benefits 1.1: Understanding interface and implementation inheritance 1.2: Basic coding of implementation inheritance 1.3: Changing inherited behavior 1.4: Code examples 1.5: Philosophy and terminology of inheritance (Part 1) 1.6: Philosophy and terminology of inheritance (Part 2) Lesson 2: Develop code that demonstrates the use of polymorphism 2.1: Understanding the concepts of polymorphism 2.2: Code example 2.3: Understanding the core terminology of polymorphism 2.4: Understanding variable type and object type 2.5: Determining object type 2.6: Code examples Lesson 3: Determine when casting is necessary 3.1: Understanding the Liskov substitution principle and the "is a" relationship 3.2: Recognizing impossible assignments 3.3: Understanding casting with interface types in assignments Lesson 4: Use super and this to access objects and constructors 4.1: Understanding "this" for accessing object features 4.2: Understanding "super" for accessing parent features 4.3: Understanding "this()" for accessing overloaded constructors 4.4: Understanding "super()" for accessing parent constructors 4.5: Understanding the underlying principles of "this" and "super" for invoking other constructors 4.6: Code examples Lesson 5: Use abstract classes and interfaces 5.1: Preventing instantiation 5.2: Marking behaviors abstract 5.3: Understanding the rules about abstract classes and methods 5.4: Understanding and defining interfaces 5.5: Implementing and using interfaces 5.6: Code example for interfaces 5.7: Understanding the rules about interfaces 5.8: Understanding static and default methods Module 9: Handling Exceptions Lesson 1: Differentiate among checked exceptions, RuntimeExceptions and Errors 1.1: Understanding exception types Lesson 2: Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow 2.1: Coding try and catch 2.2: Passing an exception to our caller 2.3: Using finally to clean up resources 2.4: Using the try with resources mechanism 2.5: Code example for try / catch / finally 2.6: Code example for try with resources Lesson 3: Describe the advantages of Exception handling 3.1: Investigating the philosophy of the exception mechanism Lesson 4: Create and invoke a method that throws an exception 4.1: Handling exceptions thrown by called code 4.2: Code example Lesson 5: Recognize common exception classes and categories (such as NullPointerException, ArithmenticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException) 5.1: Common Exception Classes Module 10: Working with Selected Classes from the Java API Lesson 1: Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods 1.1: Understanding the common StringBuilder constructors 1.2: Using methods that modify StringBuilders 1.3 Using methods that read and search in StringBuilders, and using methods that interact with the internal storage of StringBuilders Lesson 2: Creating and manipulating Strings 2.1: Creating Strings 2.2: Understanding common String methods: Immutability 2.3: Using common String methods 2.4: Using common String methods to perform comparisons Lesson 3: Create and manipulate calendar data using... 3.1: Creating Time and Date Objects 3.2: Changing Times and Dates 3.3: Using the DateTimeFormatter 3.4: Comparing and Ordering Times and Dates, and Using the Period class Lesson 4: Declare and use an ArrayList of a given type 4.1: Understanding the purpose and benefits of ArrayList 4.2: Declaring and initializing an ArrayList 4.3: Using common methods of, and uses of, ArrayList 4.4: Investigating documentation and code for ArrayList 4.5: Understanding simple generics with the ArrayList Lesson 5: Write a simple Lambda expression that consumes a Lambda Predicate expression 5.1: Understanding the Predicate interface 5.2: Creating Lambda expressions for Predicates 5.3: Reviewing the rules for Lambda expressions

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