Near-death experience , or NDE , are controver ial. Thou and of people have had them, but many in the cientific community have argued that they are impo ible. Dr. Eben Alexander wa one of tho e people. A highly trained neuro urgeon who had operated on thou and of brain in the cour e of hi career, Alexander knew that what people of faith call the oul i really a product of brain chemi try. NDE , he would have been the fir t to explain, might feel real to the people having them, but in truth they are imply fanta ie produced by brain under extreme tre . Then came the day when Dr. Alexander own brain wa attacked by an extremely rare illne . The part of the brain that control thought and emotion and in e ence make u human hut down completely. For even day Alexander lay in a ho pital bed in a deep coma. Then, a hi doctor weighed the po ibility of topping treatment, Alexander eye popped open. He had come back. Alexander recovery i by all account a medical miracle. But the real miracle of hi tory lie el ewhere. While hi body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond thi world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepe t realm of uper-phy ical exi tence. There he met, and poke with, the Divine ource of the univer e it elf. Thi tory ound like the wild and wonderful imagining of a killed fanta y writer. But it i not fanta y. Before Alexander underwent hi journey, he could not reconcile hi knowledge of neuro cience with any belief in heaven, God, or the oul. That difficulty with belief created an empty pace that no profe ional triumph could era e. Today he i a doctor who believe that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the oul are real and that death i not the end of per onal exi tence but only a tran ition. Thi tory would be remarkable no matter who it happened to. That it happened to Dr. Alexander make it revolutionary. No cienti t or per on of faith will be able to ignore it. Reading it will change your life.
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