"The Lotus, known by the Chinese as “Lian Hua”, is an icon of wholesomeness, harmony, peace and purity. “Lian” sounds similar to the word for “successive”, and symbolizes good inheritor luck. According to Feng Shui experts, this flower is said to replace negative energy with positive chi, clearing the mind and causing a clarity to achieve enlightenment. There are many symbolisms in Chinese folklore which depict the important of the Lotus. In Taoist religion, Ho Hsien Ku (one of the Eight Immortals and the icon of marriage and love luck) carries a Lotus flower with her. Because the Lotus grows in the water and blossoms its way through the layer of mud, it is a representation of overcoming obstacles in life. Also, because the leaves of this flower protect fish (which are an emblem of abundance) the Lotus will protect your riches. In Buddhism, the Lotus flower is also highly revered; it is said that it stands for four essential virtues, which are loveliness, softness, scent and purity. It is believed that right before Buddha (Siddartha Gaotama) was born, his mother had the image in her head of a pure white elephant giving her a Lotus. It is for this reason that when Buddha was born, the Lotus emerged in ten directions every time he took one of the seven steps towards enlightenment. It is for this reason that the Lotus flower is known as the “flower of heaven”."