4 mukhi rudraksha being influenced by the creative wisdom of the four headed lord brahma, gives the wearer the creative power and provides him learning and knowledge. The dull mined students must wear it and it is beneficial to scientists, researchers, intellectuals, artists, writers and journalists. 5 mukhi rudraksha is the form of rudra named kaalagni. The wealth, in the form of learning that man gains in the world, should be apparent and permanent only then it is meaningful. Five faced rudraksha is useful for this purpose. 6 mukhi rudraksha is the center of the power of lord shiva's second son, kumar kartikeya. It gives wisdom and knowledge and increases will power and learning capability. Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. A combination of 4, 5, 6 mukhi rudraksha enhances the vocal & mental power of the wearer amazingly.