Japa Mala Hand Knotted Five Mukhi Rudraksha: It represents Hindu deity Kalagni. This extremely auspicious rudraksha is vital for people that would like to awaken their higher selves which mean UpaGuru. Enhances awareness, memory, word power and intellect. This it's extensively employed in Malas for carrying and intonation mantras and connects one to grace of Lord Shiva. Removes malefic of planet Jupiter. Rudraksha has a high profile in Tantrism and spiritualism specially, Nara dosha & Graha dosha.Faceless Rudraksha ( Nirankara) is most powerful. Sacred Rudraksha beads are worn by Sages and Yogis since ancient times for their profound religious significance and considered as divine treasure to be cherished. . Sacred Rudraksha beads are made of the seeds of the Rudraksha tree and per ancient texts; these beads elevate the soul and assist on the trail of ascension, Increase clarity, and general awareness, calming the mind, free one of negative thoughts.