Seven Mukhi Rudraksha represents Mahalaxmi the goddess of wealth .This Rudraksha is blessed with good health and wealth. This Rudraksha also assigns to sapta matrikas i.e seven mothers .These seven mothers are Brahmi, Maheshwari, Kaumaari, Vaishnavee,Vaaraahee, Indraanee and Chamunda. As it is is blessed with several powerful gods and goddesses this Rudraksha brings fame, wealth , progress in life,and also removes bad luck. As per Brahm Puran seven Mukhi Rudraksha assigns to Annanta meaning the supreme lord Brahma who is dimensionless. And to seven Martrikas (seven mother) Sun, Sapta Rishis (seven great sages), Mahasen (Kartikeya), Anang (Kamdeva), Ananta (Vasuki), Nagrata (Nagraja). This connotation of Annanta that is given to Seven Mukhi Rudraksha means that it is very useful bead offering several powers to the wearer.