The present book “Teaching Aptitude (800+ Solved MCQs with Explanatory Answers” has been specially developed keeping in mind the requirements of the aspirants of various Teachers’ Recruitment Exams like—CTET, TGT, PGT, JBT, NTT, ETE, B.Ed., B.El.Ed., etc. and many other exams where Teaching Aptitude paper forms an essential part of the selection criteria.
Though there are a-dime-a-dozen books available in the market on Teaching Aptitude, yet this book has a special place among all because of its unique presentation and contents. The book is presented in a simple reader-friendly manner in Objective-MCQ format to enable all types of readers easily learn, understand and practise the intricacies of Teaching Aptitude and its Applications.
The book covers almost all aspects of Teaching Aptitude comprising numerous questions in exhaustive exercise to test your knowledge and learning of the subject, and to provide ample scope for practice to prepare for the competitive exams as well.
The book will definitely prove to be a boon to the inquisitive competitive exam-aspirants in sharpening their knowledge of Teaching Aptitude and prepare them well for a Flying Success in their respective exams and competitions.