In any conflict, the&nb p;Fir t Alternative i my way, and the Second Alternative i your way. The fight alway boil down to a que tion of who e way i better. Thi book pre ent a new and practical, but incredibly effective and eye-opening, way to reach re olution through u ing the Third Alternative. The Third Alternative move beyond your way&nb p;or my way to a higher and better way one that allow both partie to emerge from debate or even heated conflict in a far better place than either had envi ioned. With the Third Alternative, nobody ha to give up anything, and&nb p;everyone win . To a world of e calating trife and contention, Third Alternative thinker like tho e Covey profile in thi innovative and practical book, bring creative olution , peace, and healing. Through key example and torie from hi work a a con ultant, Covey will demon trate that Third Alternative thinking i the upreme opportunity of our time . Hi wide ranging example include:&nb p;a Canadian metropolitan police force that tran formed a crime-plagued community by abandoning their them v . u mentality and changing the whole definition of police work;&nb p;a Florida family who ha taken in an 81-year-old fo ter on in a new program that offer aging Veteran a 3rd alternative between lonely i olation and in titutionalized care; a Chicago law firm that ha become one of the wealthie t and winning-e t in the world by forgetting about billable hour and creating win-win olution for their client ; and many other . Through&nb p;hearing about the e variou group and individual ,&nb p;li tener will learn how to create new and better re ult in tead of e calating conflict, a well a how to build trong relation hip with diver e individual ba ed on an attitude of winning together.There are a lot of book on conflict re olution, but in mo t of the e other book , conflict re olution u ually mean compromi e, a low-level accommodation that top the fight without nece arily breaking through to amazing new re ult . The Third Alternative i about more than ju t&nb p;an armi tice it about creating a new and improved reality. A departure from the material out there on conflict re olution, negotiation, and mediation, thi book repre ent a new way of thinking that will be embraced not only by the many fan that have flocked to Covey prior book , but al o by&nb p;anyone&nb p;who i eeking&nb p;re olution in their&nb p;profe ional or per onal live .&nb p;&nb p;
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