The Nile Olive Oil is 100% Pure Extra Olive Oil is Extra Light and is loaded with various Anti - Oxidants, vitamins A, D, K & E and anti-bacterial properties. It is the perfect carrier of all essential oils. It is extracted from the most fresh-picked olives, and packaged consciously to preserve its all-natural and beneficial properties. The Nile Olive Oil is good for HAIR, BODY, REJUVENATES AND NOURISHES DEEPLY, RADIANT SKIN, RELAXING, HAIR RELAXER, NAIL, EAR The Nile Coconut Oil is 100% Pure, Natural and Unrefined Organic Kerala Coconut Oil. It's extracted by the cold pressing method which ensures that none of its nutrients and vitamins is lost during the extraction process. The Nile Coconut Oil is 100 % NATURAL AND IS FREE OF ANY ARTIFICIAL COLORS, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURS, PRESERVATIVES AND IS EXTRA VIRGIN WITH VITAMIN E. It is good for DRY HAIR, HEALTY SKIN, UNDER EYES, BEFORE SHAVING, NAILS, LUBRICANT, PIMPLE and NAVEL.
The Nile Sesame oil comes from Sesame seeds through the cold pressed method. It is light oil and has got lots of uses and health benefits. It IMPROVES THE SKIN TEXTURE, MAKING IT SOFTER AND SMOOTHER AND BECAUSE OF ITS EMOLLIENT PROPERTIES, IT MOISTURIZES THE SKIN. Applying a small amount of Sesame seed oil can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This effect is because of a special micronutrient called sesamol. It can also lighten sun spots and irregular pigmentation. DUE TO ANTIOXIDANT AND SUNSCREEN PROPERTIES, IT PROVIDES DOUBLE PROTECTION FROM UV– B INDUCED SKIN DAMAGE.