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डॉक्टर थापर त्रिफला कैप्सूल पेट की बीमारियों का मुंहतोड़ जवाब।
डॉक्टर थापर त्रिफला कैप्सूल त्रिफला के फायदे
कब्ज़ दूर करने में सहायक, पेट में गैस की समस्या (एसिडिटी) से राहत, आंखों के लिए फायदेमंद, वजन घटाने और मोटापा कम करने में सहायक, पाचन शक्ति बढ़ाता है, बालों का झड़ना रोकता है, भूख बढ़ाता है व मूत्र संबंधी समस्याओं में लाभकारी।
Has Laxative and antioxidant properties, Regulates digestion, Detoxification support, Antioxidant rich, traditional wellness herbs.
Are you looking out for Trifala Churna?
Dr. Thapar’s Trifala Capsules are easy to consume in comparison to Trifala churna and is more palatable in comparison to other Trifala tablets and Powder. Dr. Thapar’s Trifala Capsule is a time-tested Ayurvedic formulation for improving Gut health. As 70% of the immune system is present in the gut. Daily consumption of Dr. Thapar’s Trifala Capsule also helps boost your immunity.
Dr. Thapar’s Trifala Capsules are primarily used for alleviating digestion related problems like loss of appetite, tastelessness, abdominal distension etc. Due to the ingredients present in Trifala it can also be used for detoxifying the body.
Trifala consists of three well-known Ayurvedic herbs - Haritaki, Amlaki and Bibhitaki those provide support to the digestive system by alleviating problems related to bowel movement, constipation and digestion.
How to Use
Take 1-2 Triphala Capsules, twice a day or as directed by the physician.