VAIDYASHREE ayurveda has brought an herbal hair supplement HAIR GLOW TABLET which provides bouncy, shiny & long hair and nourishes roots, hair growth. It has Phyllanthus emblica/Indian gooseberry (hair growth promoter), eclipta alba/bhringraj (promote hair growth, strength hair, and prevent dandruff), celastrus paniculatus/malkangi (prevent hair fall), aloe barbadensis/kumari (strengthens hair, control greasy hair), hemiesmus indicus/anantmool and glycyrrhiza glabra/mulethi (nourishes the scalp). The complete combination works like magical supplement and its consumption provides nourishment to hair roots, arrest falling of hair, checks alopecia & dandruff and also prevent damage to hair.
. VAIDYASHREE HAIR GLOW TABLETS HAS ANTI- DANDRUFF & ANTI- MICROBIAL PROPERTIES because it has abhrak & hibiscus rosasinensis (gudhal).
. VaidyaShree HAIR LOW TABLET PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH & NOURISHES HAIR ROOT because of presence of emblica (Indian gooseberry) & aloe barbadensia (kumari).
. VAIDYASHREE HAIR GLOW TABLET HELPS REDUCE HAIR FALL because of presence of eclipta alba (bhringraj)