DESCRIPTION CRYSTAL PYRAMID BERMUDA TRIANGLE Crystal pyramid must be used in home, office etc. Pyramid has great significance both in Vastu and in Feng Shui. This piece is very beautiful and made of very good quality crystal. The pyramid is considered to be a structure which acts as a receiver of cosmic energy from the universe. A crystal pyramid can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the Chakras. A crystal pyramid is also used to enhance and focus the inherent properties of the home. क्रिस्टल पिरामिड का मतलब | Pyramid mean in hindi “”पिरामिड” दो शब्द (ग्रीक) – पायरा[ऊर्जा या उष्मा] और मिड[मध्य] से मिलकर बना है :- अर्थात् वह वस्तु जिसके मध्य धनात्मक(+) या सकारात्मक ऊर्जा हो एवं जो सक्षमता से सभी शीघ्र नष्ट होने वाली जड़/चेतन वस्तुओं को सुरक्षित रखता हों। पिरामिड के अन्य रूप विभिन्न धार्मिक स्थलों जैसे – मंदिर, मस्जिद, चर्च, गुरुद्वारा, बौद्ध मठ, गिरजाघर आदि हैं, जिनके ऊपरी हिस्से पर एक विशेष गुम्बदनुमा आकृति लिए होती है, जिनके मध्य यही सकारात्मक ऊर्जा पिरामिड आकृति के कारण प्रवाहित होती रहती है वहीं पिरामिड हैं इसे देवी -देवतायेँ भी शुभ मानते हैं |” BENEFITS OF CRYSTAL PYRAMID(क्रिस्टल पिरामिड का महत्व) 1) It reduces stress and tension from home, office and our bodies 2) Since Pyramids attract energy flow, they are used in homes and offices to remove dullness and increase energy levels. 3) It promotes self-healing and helps in meditation as well. 4) It is also said to improve the effectiveness of food, water and medicines. CRYSTAL PYRAMID Exact Placement | क्रिस्टल पिरामिड रखने का सही स्थान They are placed in corners of home or office to promote positive energy and remove negativity. You could place 2 or 4 Pyramids for 2 or 4 corners of home or office. You never go wrong with the placement of the clear quartz in your home or office because this crystal will adjust its energy to any area you place it in. What is Pyramid energy? | Pyramid Energy | पिरामिड की शक्ति In the astrology, a pyramid is a graphical model of energy flow in a community and bring energy from nonliving sources into the community. Pyramid power is supernatural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape also this power, is said to preserve foods, maintain the sharpness of razor blades, improve health function, trigger sexual urges and cause other dramatic effects. Buy Crystal Pyramid: Buy crystal pyramid for study table, study room, bedroom, kitchen, home, room window, dining table, the home’s all corners, the house’s all angle. It can be a good gift for our friend and family member. Crystal Pyramid’s Effect crystal pyramid effect is ever to be good for us if we use it in our home, office, college-office, school-office, business-place(बिज़नेस चलाने के लिए क्रिस्टल थेरैपी (crystal therapy) बहुत ज्यादा प्रचलित है), study table, kitchen corner, hall corner etc… The power of crystal pyramid is to be good in life’s all phases like wealth and prosperity, marriage and love, family and piece, money and fortune, health, education, children, career and workplace, wellness, protection etc… वास्तु में क्रिस्टल पिरामिड का महत्व | Importance of crystal pyramid in Vastu in hindi “क्रिस्टल पिरामिड में स्वास्थय सम्बन्धी अनेकों लाभ होते है ये शरीर के शुद्धिकरण में सहायता करता है तथा संबंधों में बेहतरी लाता है तथा क्रिस्टल पिरामिड धारण करने से इसकी उपचारात्मक शक्तियों से धारक के जीवन में कई अद्भुत परिवर्तन आते है| ये धन, समृद्धि, आजीविका वृद्धि, वंश वृद्धि एवं संपन्नता प्राप्ति में सहायक होता है। ताप, वायु प्रवाह की दिशा, पृथ्वी के चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र के प्रभाव तथा पृथ्वी पर अंतरिक्षीय ग्रह-पिंडों के प्रभाव पर भी विचार करता है।” Buy Pure White Crystal Pyramid online at low price in India or abroad on Free Shipping or Cash On Delivery have both choice which you want, choose the option. Get great services to us ever. The is one of the best astrologer in jodhpur rajasthan india. We have pure pyramid on sell in best price. Looking wise it is the best astrology product also have more and many astro services.