Vasaka is a very important medisinal herb where leaf, root, flower and whole plant is used for many medisinal formulations. The herb Vasaka comprises the fresh or dried leaves of the plant. Leaves contain an alkaloid vasicine, and an essential oil. The chief use of Vasaka is as an expectorant; it is given in the form of juice, sirup or decoction. It softens the thick sputum, facilitates its coming out and thus brings about quick relief in bronchitis. The expectorant activity is due to stimulation of bronchial glands. The root, leaves and flowers of Vasa is used in the form of juice and decoction for fever, cough, asthma, consumption, gulma, kustha, obesity, oedema, skin diseases, pradara, vomiting, piles, pox, retention of urine, diseases of mouth and as rasayana. USE UNDER SPECIFIED DOSAGE AS ADVICED BY YOUR AYURVEDIC CONSULTANT Contraindicated in children and excepting mother.