It helps in relieving gouty arthritis, rheumatoid, osteoarthritis and non-specific arthritis. It is also helpful when it comes to treating bronchitis, asthma and cough. Ajmoda can be used for curing gas, bloating, indigestion and colic.. It is intestinally antiseptic. It stimulates the digestive procedure. Helps in the digestion of foods that cannot be digested very easily. It offers great relief in intestinal parasites, cramps and flatulence. Ajmoda promoted the downward flow of air. It dilates the pathway of the lungs by preventing spasm. It helps in the detoxification of the body. Ajmoda serves in the form of an effective remedy for inflammation and pain. गर्भवती महिलाओ को अजमोदा का सेवन कभी नही करणा चाहिये! ३ ग्राम अजमोदा के बीज का चूर्ण और १२ ग्राम मुली के पत्तो का रस मिळकर प्रिये और १० दिन मे पथरी गल जाती है और दर्द से आराम मिलता है! USED IN ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS AND NON-SPECIFIC ARTHRITIS. CONTRAINDICATED TO EXPECTING MOTHER. VINARGHYA Pharmaceuticals FFERS QUALITY PRODUCT SINCE MORE THAN 50 YEARS, DON'T COMPARE WITH LOW PRICE. VINARGHYA Pharmaceuticals having knowledge to know the original product so u can faith blindly for original Quality.