It is a medisinal herb used in Indian Ayurvedic system of Medisine. 1) The powdered root is sprinkled over wound for healing. 2) The powder of root stem is used in dose of 0.5g with hot water to relieve constipation. यह जड़ी-बूटी, अजीर्ण, अतिसार, मंदागिन, अरुचि, शीतपित्त तथा दुष्ट व्रण को दुर करने वाली है| USED IN CHILDREN. यह जड़ी-बूटी, अजीर्ण, अतिसार, मंदागिन, अरुचि, शीतपित्त तथा दुष्ट व्रण को दुर करने वाली है| The powdered root is sprinkled over wound for healing. CAUTION Please use under the guidaence of any Vaidya. REVANCHINI / REVAND CHINI / INDIAN RHUBARB / RAWASH / RHEUMEMODI / NETTUREVAL CHINI / NETHUREWAL CHINI / रेवंचिनी. AYURVEDIC MEDISINE FOR WOUND HEALING. AYURVEDIC PRODUCT FOR KID. VINARGHYA Pharmaceuticals OFFERS QUALITY PRODUCT SINCE MORE THAN 50 YEARS, DON'T COMPARE WITH LOW PRICE. VINARGHYA Pharmaceuticals having knowledge to know the original product so u can faith blindly for original Quality. FEEDBACK We consider your feedback is as important as sale. Please do leave your feedback after receiving your ordered item and if you are not satisfied with the product or service then contact us We will definitely resolve the issue if any and will give you refund if genuine. Your POSITIVE FEEDBACK is asset for us.