There is enough trust and faith for Vinayak in the Indian public, that is enough to make him a folk hero. He gives direction to socially conservative society and connects with social concerns and considers public welfare as paramount. From the time of Aryavarta in India or, before that, Ganesh, Ganapati, Ganakta have been a hero before him, who has been virtuous in the house-house due to his excellent works. Human society prompts them, who do not expect anything in return for the service.
The writing of this masterpiece centered on Vighahnahar-Mangalmurthur-Bambodar Ganeshji was completed in this year, based on the study of many reference texts including Markandeypuran, Agnipuraan, Shivpurana and Ganeshpuran.
Vinayak ranges from an ordinary student to the path-marker of society and struggles momentarily and competes with retrograde powers. Vinayak has linked every event, work and travel with social concerns through which he passes. He has unwavering faith on his friends. He has amazing organization capacity. Vinayak decides the journey from an ordinary hero to the superhero; But being human, all the qualities and weaknesses are boiled within. This part of the 'Vinayak Trilogy' is a similar novel 'Vinayak Sahaar Siddha'.
Very interesting and readable novels.
About the Author
Rajendra Mohan Sharma has long been making his presence in the field of literature. Among the many awards, Rajendra's compositions include 'Aichir Kya' (Poetry), 'Tadhi Battisi' (Satire), 'Deendayal' (story-collection), 'Ranjana Ki Vyyajna' (Satire collection), 'periodical Concerns' (articles) have been published. Four works under publication Experimental, carriers of new experiments in language world. Currently Free Writing Writing in all major papers. As the creator of the well-known 'Vinayak Trilogy' you have received special respect and respect across the country.
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