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Waverley Novels (Volume 11)

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Rs  2,240
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  • ISBN13:9781234913465
  • ISBN10:1234913461
  • Publisher:General Books
  • Language:English
  • Author:Walter Scott
  • Binding:Paperback
  • SUPC: SDL563547459

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Learn More about the Book

This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1898. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... B Ba', a ball. Ba'-speil, a football-match. Baa ren-hauter, a nickname for a German private soldier; also a lazy good-fornothing. Bab, a bunch. Baby, a small image of self reflected in the eye of another. Back-bearand, a thief caught in the act of carrying away stolen goods on his back. Back-cast, a back-stroke. Back-sey, sirloin. Back-spauld, the back of the shoulder. Back-sword, a sword with one sharp edge. Baff, blow, bang, heavy thump. Bag, the bagpipes. Baggage, a young woman. Bagganet, bayonet. Bagnio, a prison for slaves. Baikj curtsey. Bailie, a Scotch magistrate; an alder- man. Bain, bane, a bone. Bairnly, childish. Baith, both. Baittle, denoting that sort of pasture where the grass is short, close, and rich. Bake, a small cake or biscuit. Baldrick, a richly ornamented girdle. Bale, misery, calamity. ** Bale of dice," a pair of dice. Ballant, a ballad, a fable. Ballatis, ballads. Ban, an imperial edict; the laws of the Empire; also, curse. "Ban and Arriere-Ban" the entire feudal force. Band, a bond. Bandalier, bandoleer, a shoulder-belt. Bandeau, a narrow band or fillet. Banders, persons banded together under oath. Bandog, a band or bound dog, as a mastiff. Band-stane, a large stone stretching from side to side of a wall. Bane, to poison. Bang, a spring, a bound; to beat. "Bang out," to rush out hastily. Bangster, a victor. Banka, a courtier. Banneret, a standard-bearer. Bannock, a flat, round cake; a scone. Bannock-fluke, a turbot . Banquette, the walk behind the parapet of a fortress. Bar-sinister, an heraldic device signifying illegitimate birth. Barbed, clad in armour, caparisoned. Barbican, the outwork defending the gate of a fortress. Barcelona, a handkerchief of soft twilled silk. Bareflt, barefooted. Barken, encrust, to tan. "Barkers and slash...

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