Acupressure helps to increase the blood circulation in the entire body Helps in the digestive system. Helps to improve the eye sight. Suitable for both men and women. Easy to use. Daily wear item increased energy levels. Develops a positive mental outlook. Improves digestion. Solves eye problems effectively and improves concentration Spring acupuncture with multi massage beads. Magnetic therapy with red massage beads. Massaging the important points thus do good to human health Acupressure has an adjustable Velcro at front to adjust the foot ware any one can use it.
PORTABLE FOOT MASSAGER: - An easy way to relax and activate your feet anytime, especially after working long hours, wearing high heels, hiking.
PAIN RELIEF: - Keeping use of foot massage tool can help to improve circulation relieve lower back pain; migraine; foot pain due to plantar fasciitis, arthritis, neuropathy.
NO PAIN NO GAIN: - When you first start wearing these therapeutic massage slippers, you may experience a lot of pain because the massage knobs are stretching the tense soles of your feet. It takes 1-2 weeks to get used to it gradually.
SIZE: - The adjustable whip on the acupressure slippers, make them fit most feet shape. If you are between sizes, take the larger one
HEALTHCARE: - Each slipper has 39 built-in massage buttons for foot acupuncture stimulation massage, helping to improve blood circulation and physical mobility, thereby enhancing overall health.